Personal supports Services
Personal Supports Service will be provided in the individual home or in the family home and in a safe and integrated community setting. The Personal Support Professional will be assigned to assist and facilitate the individual with services to include and not limited to the following:
Provide assistance and training to develop and maintain skills or activities of daily living
Provide assistance with locating a shared or independent living dwelling to meet environmental and financial needs
Provide assistance with grocery shopping
The overall goal for the Personal Supports Services is to help the individuals we serve achieve independence through best practices in service delivery , community integration, staff training, and development and responsiveness to each individual's needs.​
Employment Services
The employment services model is designed to help an individual gain skills needed to become competitively employed within their community and to decrease the barriers that could potentially impose upon the individuals quality of life. Individuals enrolled in the employment program will be able to gain full or part-time competitive employment; earning competitive wages. In addition, the Employment model will offer job developing preparation. the individual enrolled in the SE program will work closely with an Employment Career Professional to assist them with their employment goal. The Employment Service model will include but not be limited to the following:
Job Developing
Career Exploration/Discovery
Job Coaching Supports
Customized Self-Employment
Natural Supports/Co-worker-Employer Supports
Vocational Services
The vocational service model will be designed to include employment discovery and career exploration services under Living Out Loud, Inc. The vocational services will enrich the lives of people with disabilities to gain independence through meaningful activities in a community-integrated setting. The individuals engaged in the vocational program will be able to direct their services by exploring “real world” experiences to enhance their career, personal and social development. Both Employment Discovery and Career Exploration work experiences will be in an integrated community business setting such as: Hospitals, Banks, Retail Stores, Food Services, Corporate Businesses, etc.
Transportation Services
Living Out Loud, Inc. transportation services to individual’s is designed to promote independence. The services will be offered to transport individual’s to and from integrated community day activities or Personal Supports Services. Transportation will be delivered in small groups or one-to-one.
Transportation services include, but are not limited to the following:
Mobility Training (using public transportation)
How to access and apply for Mobility Services
Linkage to mobility, taxi access, Uber, Lyft, and other means of transportation services that maybe are not as costly
Nurse Case Management and Delegation Services
Living Out Loud, Inc Nurse Case Management and Delegation Services are provided and designed to help promote health and safety and supports to individuals engaged in Living Out Loud, Inc. services.